Rent your container fleet instead of buying them !

Reduce your costs by shifting from CAPEX to OPEX

Keep the same business model without additional operating costs

Pay only for the actual number of cycles per container

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The advantages of renting your container fleet

Zero investment

Buying a fleet of containers involves a considerable initial investment, as well as unplanned variable expenses for replacing damaged or unreturned containers. This option can result in unplanned financial charges, in addition to the initial purchase costs.

100% flexible

The flexible, cost-effective rental model lets you easily adjust your fleet of containers to suit your needs. We take care of all the logistics for you. With rental, everything becomes simpler, faster and smoother!

No mental load

Say goodbye to the responsibilities of replenishment, inventory management, ordering and much more. With rental, you can focus on your core expertise, concentrating on what you do best: your core business.